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a division of Peca Products Inc.

Kaleidoscope Mirrors

kaleidoscope picture  From this to.............. kaleidoscope in frame 
  kaleidscope mirrors   

Purchase Kaleidoscope Mirrors online here


Zangles - cutting templates

Purchase Zangles online here

Kaleidoscope Kits

kaleidoscope kit

Each Kaleidoscope Kit (KZ-4) contains:
1- Instruction Sheet
1- Pair acrylic Kaleidoscope Mirrors (KM-57)
1- 5 piece set of Zangles (Z-05)
1- "My Sleeve" scrapbook cleaning cloth
1- Sakura Micron marking pen

Purchase Kaleidoscope Kit online here

Detailed Instructions

This page is slow loading. In order to present the instructions clearly, we wanted to make the photos as large as possible thus slow loading. The pictures and text will change based on time. There are 14 photos and the sequence will repeat upon reaching the last photo.

detailed instructions

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471 Burton Street, Beloit, WI 53511


Monday-Thursday: 8-4:30
Friday: 8-Noon
Saturday, Sunday: Closed

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Romar Photo products may be returned for credit with prior authorization.

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